Monday, December 8, 2008

Dinner Ideas!

So I am calling out to all of you fellow bloggers. I need some good and different dinner ideas. I always try to make a list for the week but I am failing. Here's my problem...... I am sounds really good.... I just don't know what kind or what I want to cook. So I go to the husband cause you know I cook for him too... to get ideas or what he wants to eat. He then says, well you the one thats picky right now so you decide. So I am asking for ideas from all of you and hoping to expand our dinner idea list. So please help. It will be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks


Alicia said...

My menu stinks right now! I'm nursing so I can't have onions. I didn't realize how many of my recipes use onions. So I'm stuck too! But I can give you some of my recipes because you're not nursing (yet!).

If you scroll down (way down) on the side bar of my blog, there's a link to The Pioneer Woman. Go to her site and click on the cooking tab. She's got TONS of awesome recipes that are easy (and not too expensive).

I'll write a few of my favorites out for you.

janae said...

When I'm pregnant I'm never up for making hard things so we stick to things like:

chili dogs (canned chili)
baked potatoes
spaghetti w/ prego or ragu
stir fry (frozen veggie packs)

I don't know what else. But I feel your pain! Meal planning is hard to do when your body isn't quite yours!

Katie Bell said...

Hey The best thing I ever did was buy this book called 30 meals in one day. It has all the recipes you could think of and you cook them all in one day and freeze them. Then you just take one out and heat it up and yummy yummy dinner is served!!! It comes with software so all you do is click on the dinners you want to make and it prints out a shopping list and labels for your even your hubby could take one out...look at the directions on how to "heat" it up on the label and then dinner is ready!!! Its awesome! Let me know if you want the website and I'll send it to you!

Kay said...

There is a link on the side of my page that I set up for recipes, it's call The Recipes Of Our Lives. A whole bunch of people post on there so there is always something different on there. Just off the top of my head things that are easy that I make frequently:
Soup & Grilled cheese sandwiches
Anything Breakfast(Bo's idea)
-biscuits & gravy
-scrambled eggs

Some prego things I have liked lately are corndogs, tuna sandwiches, PB&J, and brownies...that's a meal idea, right? ☺

Good luck, feeding a pregnant belly can be so hard sometimes. I find myself just searching and searching somedays!

I thought I should tell you the recipes I like of my recipe blog. The Taco Soup is super easy and really good. Cream cheese Chicken is one of my favs. I love my turkey meatloaf, but for a lot of prego women it's hard to handle raw meat. Anyway, just click on the tags on the side for Main dishes, it's should give you some good ideas.

Kim Jones said...

I just found these two websites and they are a lot of fun. Have fun browsing