Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today I let Bryan dress himself. This is a very normal thing to do at our house. So I ask........ REALLY????????????? How in the world do you (Bryan) totally wreck your room in the 5 minutes that you were in there? Maybe you were on a treasure hunt and came up empty handed... Maybe you wanted to find your very favorite of all favorite shirts..... Maybe, I don't know, I should just ask REALLY???!! When I finally had 5 minutes to myself I walked down the hallway something caught my eye... could it be the thing hanging in Bryan's room! Yes that's what did it! And then I saw the ENTIRE ROOM!! I just laughed. I mean really what else could I do. It took me soooooo off guard. So i decided to take pictures and blog about it!
this is his dresser when he was finished. Like I said, maybe a lost treasure was in there. Who knows!

This is the thing that caught my eye! Yes you see that right. Those are Pajama pants hanging from the fan! And again all I have to say is................. REALLY!!!!!

This picture of Tayela has nothing to do with this post. But it was to cute not to put on the blog. Oh and coming soon!!!!! THE POLAR EXRESS PICTURES!

Friday, November 13, 2009

LATE!! Halloween Pictures

well here you have it!! Here are the Halloween pictures. Scott and I went to a party at the church and were the Frankensteins. Here is the Close up of my crazy hair!

Our cool costumes!
(well Our kids thought we were cool)

Ninja Turtle Bryan.

Princess Snow White.

Cranky pumpkin ! She didn't like me at this moment!

this is the only group shot that was decent!

they were just to excited to go Trick or treating!