Well its has been a month. So I figure it is time to post the story. A lot of you know that all three of our older kids have birthdays on the 20th of a month. So we were wanting this one to join them. Well she had other plans and was not ready to come. I was really thinking that it would happen though because that week of June 20th I was having A LOT of good contractions! Honestly I felt like I had been run over by a truck. Turns out it was a flu bug. And after that weeks appointment I was only at a 2.
So I wait a week with some good contractions going here and there, but nothing consistent. Well I am at a 3 and a little bit. Really close to being a 4. So the doctor says well go home and come see me tomorrow and we will see what happens. You will be at 38 weeks then and we can go from there.
Well the next day rolls around and we decide to go ahead and get things going. So off to the hospital we go. They broke my water around 2:00 and then we waited. After a while I was up walking around and the contractions we getting started. Anyways it was just a waiting game. You know watch some TV.... eat lunch....(oh wait that was Scott). I was on the icechips and juice diet. So jump ahead a few hours and its like 8:30ish and I am getting really tired. The contractions hurt. I was trying not to show Scott how bad they hurt but then the traitor tears started to come. So I finally say OK I am getting the epidural.
They called the guy to come do the this. Well he gets there and I am having really strong contractions and its already hurting. They if course want you to sit up and move and all that jazz. I wasn't OK with this. Scott is helping me move I am crying cause I hurt. The nurse was trying to help bla bla bla. Epidural is in. I just lay there. Nurse is hooking up monitors and can't find babies heart beat. I still just lay there. nurse decides to check. And then says...Oh! Don't move, don't push! Pretty much just lay there! No problem I was doing that! Your ready to go! She says.
So from 8:30ish to now I went from a 7 to 10 in twenty minutes or so. No big. Ha. All it took was one push. Then we had our sweet baby girl here! And its all worth it! She was born on June 29th at 9:07 pm. Weighing in at 5lbs 14oz and was 19 inches long.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Bikes and Baseball
Tayela has a friend who brought a tiny little bike to playgroup one day with out training wheels. She wanted to try it and she did. She jumped right on and went to town. So that resulted in us having to fix her bike. So we did and we went and taught her how to ride her bigger bike all by herself and she is a pro!!!
Kambria got the old bike which we also had to fix but she loves it and thinks it is wonderful that she is one a big girl bike! She also can not ride her bike without her tongue sticking out! A little something she picked up from her great grandma!

Bryan and Tayela have started their Baseball season. And this little gal is their number one fan! She wants to play so bad. Only 2 more years to wait!

Tayela is in T-ball and is on the Red Sox team! She has her first game today and is super excited! She is also has a mean swing!! Watch out little guys!
Bryan is in the minor league this year. ( Coach Pitch) They hit off of a pitching machine. He is doing very well. I think he is the youngest one on his team but that is not stopping him! He can hit really good. And throw the ball hard. They had their first game on Saturday and his team won 11-4!! Good job Giants!

Bryan and Tayela have started their Baseball season. And this little gal is their number one fan! She wants to play so bad. Only 2 more years to wait!

Tayela is in T-ball and is on the Red Sox team! She has her first game today and is super excited! She is also has a mean swing!! Watch out little guys!

Friday, March 23, 2012
Well......Hello Again!

WOW!! Its been over a year since I last did this! I have never been one to be good at journal keeping or writing. I wish I was better. So the last year came and went. We all turned a year older and went on with living our busy life.
So lets move on to this year. We Started our year off with having a 7 year old! Bryan is looking forward to being baptized next december! We had our 8th wedding anniversary in January. Also in January Kambria turned 3!
February nothing to exciting.
March, Scott was offered the job for Head Wrestling Coach here in Winslow and took it. And that same weekend went to a Tournament with some of the wrestlers. ( it was an off season tournament). He also just got done doing a wrestling camp for ages 5-14. He had about 70 kids show up.
Bryan has been very busy this month. He is in a play called "On common ground" it is about the early settlers in our area. So he has been there every night practing and preforming for the last few weeks. He also did the wrestling camp and loved it!
Tayela and Kambria both started a preschool this week and mom gets 2 hours to herself three days a week!!
We have Bryan and Tayela getting ready to start the baseball season next week. Time to get ready for more running around and practices and games!
And for those who don't know, we are expecting baby #4 in July and its another girl!!! We are breaking the record for the Larsens with these little girls that we are having!! But we are very excited.
So there you have it. The very short version of our last few months. hopefully I will be better at this, but I will not make any sort of promise. Here is the baby bump Picture for your veiwing. This is me offically at 24 weeks!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I REaLLy stink at blogging!
I admitted it!!!! No excuses, no nothing! I just plain stink at blogging! It's the last thing on my mind. Oh well. I have accepted it. So anywho.. we took family pictures last weekend. Well we actually did it so I could make Christmas cards to send to people. Yeah..........I still haven't done that. oops. But on the plus side I printed out pictures to hang on my wall! So enjoy the pictures. My favorite part. The kids personality in the photos! Just a little taste for you all. Oh and if you would like a Christmas card e-mail me your addresses!!! shandilarsen@yahoo.com THANKS!

I admitted it!!!! No excuses, no nothing! I just plain stink at blogging! It's the last thing on my mind. Oh well. I have accepted it. So anywho.. we took family pictures last weekend. Well we actually did it so I could make Christmas cards to send to people. Yeah..........I still haven't done that. oops. But on the plus side I printed out pictures to hang on my wall! So enjoy the pictures. My favorite part. The kids personality in the photos! Just a little taste for you all. Oh and if you would like a Christmas card e-mail me your addresses!!! shandilarsen@yahoo.com THANKS!

Thursday, August 12, 2010
First day of Kindergarten!
Bryan is FINALLY in school!!! And I only say it like that because he has been asking since the last school year got out if tomorrow was the day he gets to go to school!!! So it is not because I couldn't wait to get him out of the house it is because I was sooooo sick of the Tomorrow question!!! So yes Folks I am now officially old enough to have a kid in KINDERGARTEN!!!
Here is Bryan in the Outfit that he had picked out since the week before School started. His shirt says :PIZZA, the Ninja Food" he loves it.
He is my Handsome man showing off his killer backpack!
This one was way to cute! I don't know who was more excited. They were walking as fast as they could to get to the assembly.
This is at the assembly where all of the teachers take turns and call their students and then they go to their classrooms.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tayela turned 3!!
Tayela had a birthday!!! Almost a month ago! She turned 3 on March 20th! I cannot believe that she is so big! Here are some photos of this beautiful girl of ours!! She has a very funny personality and is very loving(most of the time) to her brother and sister!
she always asks to wear my sunglasses!
on Sunday Tayela got really quiet so we went to see what she was up to and found her reading her scriptures!
She bought herself a make-up kit with her b-day money and loves it!
And Kambria is her model!
Whether she likes it or not!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The other day Bryan was talking to me telling me how excited he was about going to the Father's and Son's campout. He is planning on wearing his black camouflage pants.... He is taking Jamas this year, they will need toilet paper and a bean bag! So I then asked him Well where are you going to sleep? He said in his bean bag. So I corrected him and told him it's called a sleeping bag. Any who... I asked him well what are you going to eat for dinner? He says, A hotdog! OHHH and after that I am going to eat some SNORES!!!! (at this point I am starting to laugh because it was just to cute and funny). I said, Oh Really!! You are going to eat snores! He says... YEAH MOM! You know not the SNORES that go like this...... Picture Bryan making a snoring sound, the SNORES that you eat!!! YUMMM. That is when I lost it! I laughed uncontrollably all day! To stinkin funny!
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